If you are looking for something specific to discover in Poland, we are at your service. We specialize in heritage and genealogy tours with initial research online and in the local archives; as well as, tours of local architecture, fauna and flora, mountain ranges, local villages and their inhabitants, including ethnic minorities. We can provide accommodation, all kinds of vehicles, licensed tour guides and translators of all languages as well as any other specialists you might need in order to do your research while in Poland. We can help you in contacting all local or state institutions. Travelling and researching Poland with Warsaw-Tours is the right choice!
Would you like to learn more about WW2?
Take our Warsaw to Auschwitz 12h tour with door-to-door transport!
We recommend a tailor made 'Warsaw Tour' focusing on the city's cemeteries. The oldest ones were founded at the end of the 18th century. The majority of Warsaw's cemeteries (including the Jewish cemetery) were fortunately spared the destruction of wars. They feature mausoleums and beautiful tombs in a variety of styles. They were constructed by master craftsmen to celebrate Warsaw's most distinguished citizens.